Tesori d’Italia officially presents the Team of professionals who, in this moment of global emergency, will assist the Campaign S.O.S.Teniamo l’Italia to support Italian companies. Not only a fundraiser but a project of business aggregation and economic regeneration which intends to bring people and businesses together constructively, give voice to the countless problems that are arising in our country and contribute to their resolution. The Committee includes: the Japan Bureau, specifically committed to spreading the Campaign to all Italian-Japanese institutional, entrepreneurial and associative realities in Italy, Japan and worldwide; and the International Bureau, open instead to all other Countries with the aim of communicating the campaign and at the same time launching new economic and cultural partnerships for the relaunch of Made in Italy. The Committee will also provide a Health Information service to provide the public and businesses with useful information regarding Covid-19 and the rules to be adopted when restarting work in Italy.

Tesori d’Italia therefore reorganizes the 2020 activity plan by integrating to cultural communication and event planning the health information relating to the current emergency and a socio-economic strategy.

The Executive Committee consists of the following members:

Riccardo D’Urso, Tesori d’Italia Network – CEO
Vito Lombardi, WJNetwork – Director
Claudia Mele, Tesori d’Italia Network – Generale Coordinator
Riccardo De Luca, d’Urso International Management – Administrator
Floriana Maci, Tesori d’Italia Network – Territorial Coordinator, Puglia
Céline Alcala, Tesori d’Italia Network – Commercial Department
Yukari Tsuchida, Tesori d’Italia Network – Editorial Collaborator
Hoshiya Shinji, Tesori of Japan Association – Director
Giuliana D’Antuono, High Quality Italy – General Manager
Lara Tricerri, Lest Group – President
Lorena Bellotti, Lest Group – Director
Barbara Pansa, International Business Strategy Consultant in the USA
Renato Riccio, Consultant for Italy-Japan Tourism
Adriana Riccio, Tourism Coordinator