“S.O.S.Teniamo l’Italia” (Support Italy) is the Tesori d’Italia fundraising campaign to support the companies during Coronavirus Emergency. The aim is to create an ethic fund to support all the economy assets and especially that linked to Export, Tourism and Newstands which run the risk to close due to economic problems and the stop to the economic flow from and to our country.
Tesori d’Italia believes in the future but wants to protect the present time. Thus Tesori d’Italia comes into action and calls for help as the large public than its users and partners in Italy and all over the world, to contribute all together, even staying at home, and give a little bit of oxygen to these small and medium enterprises which are the core of our National heritage and our Economy. We can not help everybody but we can do our part.
Free of bureaucratic limits, Tesori d’Italia will immediately take action on the territory by investing the proceeds from fundraising upon reaching the first programmed thresholds.
Tesori d’Italia will be the spokesperson and guarantor in front of Public Administrations and Credit Institutions, so that, pending the application of the government’s procedures pro companies, it could organize the aids for the entrepreneurs in difficulty in order to save their activity. Tesori d’Italia will publish planned or implemented interventions and the details of funds used for every project. Each action will be followed by an update showing effective utility and follow-up.
The interventions, where not decisive, will act as an economic buffer towards future, so that people can continue in their business or professional path.
There are 2 objectives:
- A fundraiser for the financing of projects to support businesses;
- A collection of products to be marketed online for the relaunch of Made in Italy exports.
It is therefore possible to join:
- with an economic contribution to be paid directly to the current account of the Association Le Mappe dei Tesori d’Italia:
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
Payment description: Sosteniamo l’Italia
IBAN: IT54S0306909606100000167020
SWIFT (BIC): BCITITMM - with an economic contribution to be paid using the Crowdfunding platform DeRev;
- by donating or making Made in Italy products available for sale to the Campaign by writing to direzione@tesoriditalianetwork.it from which you will receive all the necessary information.
- con un contributo economico da versare direttamente sul conto corrente dell’Associazione Le Mappe dei Tesori d’Italia:
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
Causale: Sosteniamo l’Italia
IBAN: IT54S0306909606100000167020
SWIFT (BIC): BCITITMM - con un contributo economico da versare sulla piattaforma di Crowdfunding DeRev;
- mettendo a disposizione della Campagna, donando o in conto vendita, dei prodotti Made in Italy scrivendo a direzione@tesoriditalianetwork.it da cui si riceveranno tutte le informazioni necessarie.
Those who contribute to the Campaign with a minimum of € 50 will receive, for free, a T-Card (2000 T-Cards available) that can be used throughout our Treasures Network Circuit and in over 47 countries worldwide with the Cashback system.
Projects to be financed:
S.O.S.Teniamo the Made in Italy
Support the Made in Italy
A fund to support export for companies which have received stop for production or for supply orders from Italy or abroad. This project’s aim is to create a preliminary contribution fund to overcome the crisis and to develop new internationalization process. Tesori d’Italia has created a Task Force for monitoring critical issues in the area and the intervention plan headed by Riccardo D’Urso and Giuliana D’Antuono. 30% of the proceeds from sales of the co-branding products of its Private Label and those made available for the occasion thanks to companies of the TDI Network will immediately converge in the fund. Initiative that will go on for the duration of the Campaign.
S.O.S.Teniamo the Tourism
Support the Tourism
A deficit compensation fund for Tourism companies and Accommodation facilities, which have received cancellation notify for seasonal reservations. This fund will finance editorial initiatives, local promotional and crafts activities:
- Publishing initiatives: involvement of the structure in the development of journalistic reports and videos to be produced in multiple languages published on our Magazine and on the special online platforms in order to reactivate interest towards locations and tourist flow;
- Promotional activities: planning of targeted events in the structures, starting from September/October 2020 which bring turnover to the same and involve the Italian and foreign public;
- Craftmade activities: selection and/or creation of typical products related to the structures to be marketed in Italy and abroad both through the distribution circuit of Tesori d’Italia and other interested chains.
S.O.S.Teniamo Newsstands
Support Newsstands
A fund to support Italian Newsstands, who, burdened by the publishing crisis, risk closure. The donations deriving from the Fundraising Campaign will be divided into special regional funds in support of the Newsagents themselves, for example those who make a donation from Campania contribute to the fund for the Newsagents of Campania and so on. Fund that will be used based on the actual needs of individual businesses to ensure the continuity of the commercial activity. Donations from abroad will be divided equally into funds destined for the various regions. Tesori d’Italia reactivates the online sale of its Magazine and allocates 30% of the proceeds to the fund for Newsstands belonging to its national circuit, based on the region of origin of the orders. Therefore, those who buy the Magazine from Lombardy online will support the Newsagents of Lombardy and so on.